Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Jean


Sunday, January 12
The Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts @ 1:30 pm

Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Jean is a small children's choir that sings classical and folk music repertoire. They are sure to charm the audience with their angelic voices and beautiful music.

Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Jean est un petit choeurs d’enfant qui chantent de la musique classique et folklorique. Ils sont sûrs de charmer le public avec leurs voix angéliques et leur belle musique.

Deep Freeze is a free festival, donations are gratefully accepted.

Daniel Gervais


Sunday, January 12

  • The Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts @ 12:30 pm

  • Northern Lights Beer Garden (inside giant igloo) @ 2:00 pm

  • New Moon Pavilion @ 3:00 pm

Daniel Gervais has been playing the violin since the age of five. He plays a variety of fiddle styles and classical violin. Gervais had the opportunity to perform at the 2012 London Olympics as a cultural ambassador of Alberta. He is the first and only Albertan to win the Canadian Grand Master Fiddle Competition. Gervais first competed in the Canadian Grand Masters in 2003 and returned to this competition in 2004 and again in 2008, finishing in the top eleven both times.

Daniel Gervais joue au violon depuis l'âge de cinq ans. Il joue une variété de styles de violon et de violon classique. Gervais a eu l'opportunité de jouer aux Jeux olympiques de 2012 à Londres en tant qu'ambassadeur culturel de l'Alberta. Il est le premier et le seul Albertain à remporter le Concours canadien de grand maître de violon. Gervais a participé pour la première fois aux Grands Maîtres canadiens en 2003 et est revenu à cette compétition en 2004 et de nouveau en 2008, terminant dans les onze premiers deux fois.

Deep Freeze is a free festival, donations are gratefully accepted.

Robert Walsh


Sunday, January 12 @ 5:15 pm
The Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse

Robert Walsh has worked in Montréal, Toronto, and Edmonton as a solo artist, songwriter, composer, producer, arranger, teach and student. Since settling in Edmonton, Robert has released three solo albums — with two albums as a member of an ensemble Allez Ouest, Two Blue, and has collaborated with many other independent artists as a producer, co-writer, arranger. He has also worked with great musicians either as a for-hire guitar player or as a member of the Edmonton Symphony. Highlights include being featured with the Pointer Sisters, Renée Fleming, Petula Clark, Tom Cochrane, Luck Mervil, and playing the music of Frank Zappa with two ex-Zappa-band members.

Robert Walsh a travaillé à Montréal, Toronto et Edmonton en tant qu'artiste solo, auteur-compositeur, compositeur, producteur, arrangeur, enseignant et étudiant. Depuis son installation à Edmonton, Robert a sorti trois albums solo - avec deux albums en tant que membre d'un ensemble Allez Ouest, Two Blue, et a collaboré avec de nombreux autres artistes indépendants en tant que producteur, co-auteur, arrangeur. Il a également travaillé avec de grands musiciens en tant que guitariste pour compte d'autrui ou en tant que membre du Edmonton Symphony. Parmi les faits saillants, citons la participation des Pointer Sisters, Renée Fleming, Petula Clark, Tom Cochrane, Luck Mervil et la musique de Frank Zappa avec deux anciens membres du groupe Zappa.

Deep Freeze is a free festival, donations are gratefully accepted.

Giselle Lemire


Sunday, January 12

  • Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts @ 2:30 pm

  • The Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse @ 4:15 pm

Comédienne, metteure-en-scène et formatrice, Giselle Lemire a fondé Le Théâtre du Coyote o elle était directrice artistique et a produit des pièces pour enfants et adultes. En tant que poète, elle a gagné le 2013 Edmonton Slam Championship. Coordinatrice de projet pour FrancoMusik Alberta (projet de la Société du gala albertain de la chanson), elle fait la promotion des artistes professionels de la chanson franco-albertaine. Entre autres, elle co-produit des spectacles à travers la province. Pour ce festival, elle se présente comme artiste de Spoken Word avec le guitariste Marc Beaudin.

Actrice, director and workshop facilitator, Giselle Lemire founded Coyote Théâtre where she was artitique director and produced plays for adult and children’s audiences. A writer and poet, she won the 2013 Edmonton Slam Championship. As Project Coordinator for FrancoMusik Alberta (a Société du Gala albertain de la chanson project) she promotes professional franco-albertain musicians and co-produces live shows. She performs Spoken Word for the Festival along with guitarist, Marc Beaudin.

Deep Freeze is a free festival, donations are gratefully accepted.

The O'Neills


Sunday, January 12

  • Northern Lights Beer Garden (inside giant igloo) @ 12:00 pm

  • The Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse @ 2:15 pm

  • Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts @ 3:30 pm

The O’Neills trio formed around 2007 and take their name from the tome where much of their music originates, O’ Neill’s Music of Ireland. While their repertoire is firmly in the lands of the Celts, i.e., Irish, Scottish, and English, influences from Scandinavia, the US (bluegrass, Old Timey), and even Canada fill out their playlist. Their music rarely offends but they were once run out of a never-to-be-named town in Alberta (true story). If not instruments in their hands, it is canoe paddles.

Deep Freeze is a free festival, donations are gratefully accepted.

Jason Kodie


Saturday, January 11

  • The Hearth (inside Alberta Avenue Community League) @ 7:30 pm

Sunday, January 12

  • The Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse @ 1:15 pm

Jason Kodie is an award winning multi-instrumentalist who has been playing his trade in Edmonton for more than 20 years.

An active member in a number of projects and bands, he has performed with the ESO at the Vancouver Olympics in 2010, the Smithsonian in Washington DC, and an array of endeavours ranging from small coffee houses to premier venues throughout Western Canada. He has been a regular contributor to CBC Radio Active’s ‘In Crowd’ since 2006. Kodie has been an integral part of the francophone scene in Edmonton, having just garnered le prix d’excellence for artistic creation. He has been the musical curator for the Flying Canoe festival since its inception.

Deep Freeze is a free festival, donations are gratefully accepted.

Girlz with Guitarz


Sunday, January 12

  • The Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse @ 12:15 pm

  • The Hearth (inside Alberta Avenue Community League) @ 2:00 pm

  • Northern Lights Beer Garden (inside giant igloo) @ 4:00 pm

Girlz with Guitarz is a groupf of two sisters and an aunt who have been playing together for 2 1/2 years. They write their own original songs (a blend of folk, country and pop) in French and in English and play their own music using a variety of instruments (guitar, cahone, keyboard, harmonica, ukulele, mandoline and the banjo). They also play cover songs of all genres and sing in 3 part harmony.

Deep Freeze is a free festival, donations are gratefully accepted.